Soul Journey

The Wisdom of Shamanic Kabbalah for Healing and Life Guidance
Private Sessions with Miriam via Skype, Phone or in Person — each has its own unique component that adds its own quality and dimension
Healing, Teaching, and Spiritual Mentoring
"Miriam is a path to the gifts of our soul to which we can return and refresh ourselves in our sometimes wearying journey."
-- Peter Yarrow, (of "Peter, Paul, and Mary"), May 27, 2006
Miriam offers private healing, teaching, and spiritual guidance sessions in person or over the phone. These sessions have become very popular with people around the country via the telephone and in person at retreats and workshops around the country. The sessions involve teachings, guided imagery, shamanic journeying, life issues guidance, and unblocking impediments to personal healing. When applicable, these sessions also involve teachings from the Jewish tradition that strengthen one's healing practice as well as personal growth, specifically for those who wish to delve more deeply into Kabbalistic and/or Shamanistic concepts and practices as defined by ancient Jewish sources.
For those confined to a medical facility,or who are homebound, Miriam could possibly meet with and work in their own setting. Additional compensation will then be calculated for travel time and expenses.
What is Shamanic Kabbalah?
Shamanic Kabbalah belongs to the ancient school of Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah Ma'asee'yot, which translates as "practical kabbalah", a wisdom of channeling spiritual energies from the o'lam ha'nees'tar, or "universe of mystery" into our own world, o'lam ha'neeg'lah, or "universe of unfolding."
The Kabbalah is a spiritual science that focuses on the interactive dynamics between both worlds, between spirit and matter, soul and body. Much of what we are wrestling with in the known world can be helped or remedied by our understanding of what is happening simultaneously in our life in the unknown world, in the mystery realm of our self-essence.
Shamanic Kabbalah teaches us how to bridge the two realms so that we can draw support and clarity to issues we are dealing with, whether health, relationship, family, or difficult life choices. This lesser-known aspect of the Kabbalah -- only recently undergoing restoration from ancient and early-medieval Aramaic and Hebraic source texts and oral traditions -- incorporates a consciousness of the sacredness and spirit dimensions of the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world for a deeper understanding of the human world and the human soul.
"In every human," it teaches, "is incorporated the powers of all the stones, plants, and animals, for when Creator said 'Let us make the human in our image', Creator was addressing all that had been created until that point, meaning all the stars, the mountains, the trees and grasses, and all the animals" (15th-century Rabbi Mosheh Cordovero). It is with the wisdom and rites of this rich body of practical and esoteric Jewish mysticism that these healing and mentoring sessions are implemented, accompanied with the rhythm of drum and the vibration of chant, as well as other sacred tools of ancient Jewish practice.
How Does A Session Work?
Option One:
Option Two:
To arrange a session in person or by phone, contact Miriam either by email: [email protected]
or by phone: 909-575-8820
Please note: If Miriam doesn't get back to you right away, please be patient; it probably means she is travelling, teaching around the country or abroad; she will get back to you as soon as her schedule permits.
Any cancellations within 48 hours will not be refunded. If payment had not been yet made, full payment must be made.
To pay by check make it payable to:
POB 7257
Golden, CO 80403
You can also pay through PayPal.
"I first met Miriam when her book, Ancient Moon Wisdom, came out a year ago. After that, I attended a workshop she gave with Gershon. Although I'd studied Kabbalah before, Miriam brought out insights in new ways. I was very impressed with her knowledge and her delivery. Shortly after that workshop, I had a very serious injury that kept me out of work and in bed for five months. I'm still healing even now. Miriam started doing personal healing work with me, in person and via telephone. It has been amazing. Our meditations have brought me to different, real worlds - not just nice ideas - that have helped me in my everyday life. When I get stuck, she helps unstick me. She helps me see paths that I didn't know were there. Now that I'm better, people tell me how dire my injury was, and how worried they were about my recovery. I owe so much of my mobility, sanity, and contact with higher realms to my work with Miriam. I hope we continue this journey for many years to come."
CG, Idyllwild, CA
"I want to thank you because since the session I had with you I no longer have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I never told you I had it but you kept touching my stomach and did chants or prayers and it did work. We just got back from a long vacation and this is the first time, I have not suffered with it.
So, thank you so much for your blessings and love.
Judy Molnar, Fountain Valley, CA
"Miriam Maron is a healer's healer. I have sought healing from many experts in various fields for issues incurred in my childhood, but I have never experienced such profound emotional and spiritual healing as I have received from Miriam. Her sessions are marked by her gentle strength, compassion, humility, insight, and an unwavering commitment to her client's wellbeing. My heart was full for a long time afterwards, and the experience is difficult to put into words."
Paula Bojsen
Reiki Master Teacher
Gendai Reiki Shihan
Shamanic Practitioner
“Rabbi Miriam Maron is that extraordinary combination of clinician, mystic, musician, and shaman whose talent at integrating those skills will launch you on a dramatic healing journey; I love working with her.”
-- Carl Hammerschlag, MD
(Author of The Dancing Healers, The Theft of the Spirit, and Healing Ceremonies)
“She is a great priestess whose chants and teachings are truly stunningly beautiful and represent an evolutionary leap in Hebrew mystical consciousness.”
-- Dr. Mariana Caplan, PH.D.
author of Eyes Wide Open: Cultivating Discernment of the Spiritual Path
(Winner of Five National Book Awards)
“Rabbi Miriam, I respect and support your work. At some point in your life, you took that most giant and scary step 'out' of a safe version of yourself and into your 'true self' and, thanks to the universe, have shared that energy with those around you. Yes, it is good to have talents and to share those energies with others...but, you empower those hearts which expose themselves to you. Brava! There is no more sacred a duty than to keep emotionally and spiritually safe the students and clients who seek your guidance. From my observations and experiences, I see you do exactly this. Again, Brava."
-- Dina Leah
Ventura, CA
"Your unique perspective as a Jewish healer addresses spiritual and faith issues not dealt with by standard medical therapy. I had problems with headaches and since our first session years ago, I have never had another headache (this is not an exaggeration).
I can't begin to thank you for our last healing experience. Although I learned a tremendous amount about Kabbalistic tradition and Jewish healing, most importantly was the opportunity to look inside myself. Your thoughtful and gentle manner was a valuable catalyst in guiding my healing experience. You shared an extraordinary amount of valuable information with which I was both unfamiliar and found fascinating. You tied together many aspects of my life, which by looking at it in a different perspective, make perfect sense.
I cannot thank you enough for your spiritual guidance and Jewish insights
into the healing process."
-- S.G.,
Family Physician
“The journey of healing pain and suffering requires two people, the client (traveler) and the healer (guide). The traveler needs the guide to facilitate the journey towards a state of robust health. The experienced guide helps the client negotiate all aspects of the healing journey, most importantly the insurmountable hurdles and obstacles that often block the process. Rabbi Miriam Maron is an incomparable healer who embodies the capacities, skills, and knowledge requisite of a shamanic master. Her humor, insight, and singing will soothe all your heartaches away. I urge you to allow Rabbi Miriam to be your shamanic guide, facilitating your journey toward a more wholesome and truthful Self.”
-- Avram Rubin, M.A., Ph.D.
Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Anthropologist
Fellow, American Psychotherapy Association
Fellow, American Association of Experts in Trauma
Diplomate, American Board of Sexology
Diplomate, American Counseling Association
"One healing session with Miriam took me deep, deep, deep into the heart of what's troubled me all my life. I came wanting to know what secrets my body was hiding from me, and, after an incredible journey into my mother's past life, now I know! I feel like I've recovered a huge piece of my soul and now understand in a way I never did before, what it really means to ‘choose life’. Miriam is incredibly gentle, wise, and intuitive, and her healing sessions are a true team effort."
-- JGK, Maryland
"Sessions with Miriam, both in person and by distance, have been invaluable to me. The sense of wellness and wholeness I have been feeling, even weeks and months after her sessions, has brought me great peace."
-- Betty Jampel, MSW
Maplewood, NJ
“I have had about 10 healing sessions with Miriam, most of which were for 1.5 or 2 hours. Each one has been powerful in its own right. I have experienced physical healings, emotional healings, spiritual healings, and spiritual growth. I entered each session with specific conscious needs and desires which are addressed. Additionally, the healing sessions worked more importantly on other significant soul-level needs, for which I am extremely grateful. Some of the most powerful sessions have been cooperative healings, where I actually am moved to be actively involved. As a healer myself (massage therapist), Miriam's healings have resulted in greatly enhancing my own healing capabilities.”
-- Chana bat Malka/Karen J. P. Binney, MBA, CMT, LLCC, Charlottesville, VA
“I am not one who is attracted to things such as astrological readings, but after it was recommended by several of my fellow Jewish Shamanism students I decided to give it a try. I was surprised to find that the sessions were about my personality, strengths, weaknesses, and my life's path -- i.e. it was not the type of reading that attempts to tell the future. The things she told me about myself were exactly correct, and were things that she could not have known. It confirmed that I am on the path that I should be following, which was a great comfort to me. ”
Paula Bojsen
Reiki Master Teacher
Gendai Reiki Shihan
Shamanic Practitioner
“I must admit that I was initially somewhat skeptical going into my work with Rabbi Miriam Maron. As a western-trained physician, albeit one open to alternative healing modalities and fully ensconced on my Jewish spiritual path, I still had lingering doubts of the healing value of Hebrew astrologic readings, movement, and chant. Perhaps it comes from being a native of the show me state of Missouri, where only seeing meant believing.
My work with Miriam included several teaching sessions, workshops, a Hebrew astrology moon reading, and a shamanic journey experience. That Rabbi Miriam combines the left and right side of her own Tree of Life in her healing work became immediately obvious to me, as it would to anyone who has experienced her gentle and knowing ways. Her commitment to thoroughly researching the background material related to my Hebrew astrology reading, and the reading itself, felt purposeful and acknowledging, and uncannily congruent with my individual circumstances. It did not take me long to realize that this was not just some generic newspaper horoscope, but a deep delving into the mysteries of the Hebrew tradition as they relate to the particular time and purpose of my Soul's arrival on this Earth-walk.
Rabbi Miriam's use of ancient teachings, song, chant, movement and imagery gently opens the gates to access the soul, allowing healing shifts within the realms of psyche and spirit, which can help to bring forth a more fully-realized Self. I am grateful to Rabbi Miriam for the work we did together, and look forward to more growth and healing work in the future.”
Associate Professor, Clinical Pediatrics
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Director, Pediatric Endocrinology
LA County USC Medical Center
“I had a couple of readings from Miriam in late 1996. I have reread them several times over the years and they still hold true. While my personal situations have been different each time I read them, the guidance provided in the readings is still applicable as they pertain to the inner self and spirit, and how to deal with/react to any situation. I know I will be able to benefit from these readings for the rest of my life.”
-- Chana bat Malka/Karen J. P. Binney, MBA, CMT, LLCC, Charlottesville, VA
“Miriam Maron’s healing gifts have profoundly transformed my mind, body, and spirit! I have received healing of chronic immune system dysfunction and, more importantly, continued restoration of my soul. My experience with Miriam is that the healing intention of her chant, spoken word, and touch is infused with the wisdom of the Divine Mystery flowing through her. What I receive unfolds over time – after weeks and months – opening still wider and deeper my own healing process. She, too, engages me in my own healing – encouraging and guiding me with love and compassion, and most importantly – laughter and joy. My heart says that this woman is authentic – that she will be regarded years from now as one of the most important women healers and teachers of Kabbalah of our times. She has brought blessings and peace to the lives of many.”
-- Susan Gaustad
Red Wing, MN
“Miriam is an inspirational and gifted healer whose intuitive skills and soulful voice reconnected me to my dreams and strength. Her presence is a soothing gift I enjoy revisiting time after time.”
Leesa Sklover-Filgate, Ph.D., Music Therapist
Sandy Hook, CT
“As a teacher and healer, Miriam is more than just a lantern in the darkness. She is the ferryman who carries you across the waters to new and distant shores.”
Nessa Lear, BSN
New Rochelle, NY
“Miriam Maron is a compassionate and richly skilled healer who brings the fullness of her presence to her work. She combines hands-on healing, guided visualization, prayer and sacred connection to open the flow of reintegration of body and soul. When I was facing major losses and an undiagnosed illness, Miriam helped me recover a deep sense of purpose which guides and sustains me. When I reflect on what Miriam offered me, the words ‘respect’, ‘caring’, ‘resourceful’, ‘courageous’ and ‘uniquely engaged’ come to mind."
Amy Horowitz, MSW
Florence, MA
Private Sessions with Miriam via Skype, Phone or in Person — each has its own unique component that adds its own quality and dimension
Healing, Teaching, and Spiritual Mentoring
"Miriam is a path to the gifts of our soul to which we can return and refresh ourselves in our sometimes wearying journey."
-- Peter Yarrow, (of "Peter, Paul, and Mary"), May 27, 2006
Miriam offers private healing, teaching, and spiritual guidance sessions in person or over the phone. These sessions have become very popular with people around the country via the telephone and in person at retreats and workshops around the country. The sessions involve teachings, guided imagery, shamanic journeying, life issues guidance, and unblocking impediments to personal healing. When applicable, these sessions also involve teachings from the Jewish tradition that strengthen one's healing practice as well as personal growth, specifically for those who wish to delve more deeply into Kabbalistic and/or Shamanistic concepts and practices as defined by ancient Jewish sources.
For those confined to a medical facility,or who are homebound, Miriam could possibly meet with and work in their own setting. Additional compensation will then be calculated for travel time and expenses.
What is Shamanic Kabbalah?
Shamanic Kabbalah belongs to the ancient school of Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah Ma'asee'yot, which translates as "practical kabbalah", a wisdom of channeling spiritual energies from the o'lam ha'nees'tar, or "universe of mystery" into our own world, o'lam ha'neeg'lah, or "universe of unfolding."
The Kabbalah is a spiritual science that focuses on the interactive dynamics between both worlds, between spirit and matter, soul and body. Much of what we are wrestling with in the known world can be helped or remedied by our understanding of what is happening simultaneously in our life in the unknown world, in the mystery realm of our self-essence.
Shamanic Kabbalah teaches us how to bridge the two realms so that we can draw support and clarity to issues we are dealing with, whether health, relationship, family, or difficult life choices. This lesser-known aspect of the Kabbalah -- only recently undergoing restoration from ancient and early-medieval Aramaic and Hebraic source texts and oral traditions -- incorporates a consciousness of the sacredness and spirit dimensions of the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world for a deeper understanding of the human world and the human soul.
"In every human," it teaches, "is incorporated the powers of all the stones, plants, and animals, for when Creator said 'Let us make the human in our image', Creator was addressing all that had been created until that point, meaning all the stars, the mountains, the trees and grasses, and all the animals" (15th-century Rabbi Mosheh Cordovero). It is with the wisdom and rites of this rich body of practical and esoteric Jewish mysticism that these healing and mentoring sessions are implemented, accompanied with the rhythm of drum and the vibration of chant, as well as other sacred tools of ancient Jewish practice.
How Does A Session Work?
Option One:
- The session begins with you first telling me what it is you'd like us to work on--physical, emotional, spiritual healing -- or what issues you would like some help around--daily life challenges, major decisions, relationship and family issues, life journey direction, deeper learning etc.
- Then I talk you through a Soul Journey, during which we will enter a place where we can observe together, as a team, important aspects of your life. Often, symbols, various images, might come up that guide us toward what it is you are to see, experience and /or know at that time.
- During the session I lay my hands on you unless you are uncomfortable with touch -- in which case I move my hands over you -- while I work on you energetically. If what you need is renewed energy and or strength and would just like to lay back and receive healing, this is totally wonderful as well. I will work on you energetically with prayer, chant, instrumentation, and many other shamanistic and Kabbalistic tools.
- I will always ask for you to tell me if anything feels uncomfortable as I can do any of these using different methods. I never guarantee anything as the healing process is a partnership between you and the Infinite One. I am a conduit. There are many factors involved. Sometimes healing or mentoring comes in layers and we may go to the next level for you. Sometimes exactly that which you came in to work on or to learn will be sufficiently addressed and you will feel a shift -- whether on the spot, or with time. And more often than not, whatever is blocking you gets loosened, sometimes even lifted completely.
- When applicable, I will provide you with symbols, spiritual exercises, and/or a meditation to work with on your own after the session.
Option Two:
- You provide me with your birth month, day and year (and time of birth, if possible). I will then prepare an astrological reading for you based on an approximately 4,000-year-old Kabbalistic wheel that tells you your tribal connection, corresponding animal, spirit, plant and mineral totems, and other pertinent information that can help explain the challenges and gifts with which you came into the world.
- Besides the Kabbalistic Wheel, I also bring ancient and early-medieval Kabbalistic teachings about angelic keepers of planets associated with your birth moon, as well as earth spirits who are major players in your life journey, and how to work with these forces and their symbols in your everyday life.
- If you choose to do Soul Journeying with me (see Option One above), I also apply this Kabbalistic astrological wisdom to our sessions.
To arrange a session in person or by phone, contact Miriam either by email: [email protected]
or by phone: 909-575-8820
Please note: If Miriam doesn't get back to you right away, please be patient; it probably means she is travelling, teaching around the country or abroad; she will get back to you as soon as her schedule permits.
Any cancellations within 48 hours will not be refunded. If payment had not been yet made, full payment must be made.
To pay by check make it payable to:
POB 7257
Golden, CO 80403
You can also pay through PayPal.
"I first met Miriam when her book, Ancient Moon Wisdom, came out a year ago. After that, I attended a workshop she gave with Gershon. Although I'd studied Kabbalah before, Miriam brought out insights in new ways. I was very impressed with her knowledge and her delivery. Shortly after that workshop, I had a very serious injury that kept me out of work and in bed for five months. I'm still healing even now. Miriam started doing personal healing work with me, in person and via telephone. It has been amazing. Our meditations have brought me to different, real worlds - not just nice ideas - that have helped me in my everyday life. When I get stuck, she helps unstick me. She helps me see paths that I didn't know were there. Now that I'm better, people tell me how dire my injury was, and how worried they were about my recovery. I owe so much of my mobility, sanity, and contact with higher realms to my work with Miriam. I hope we continue this journey for many years to come."
CG, Idyllwild, CA
"I want to thank you because since the session I had with you I no longer have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I never told you I had it but you kept touching my stomach and did chants or prayers and it did work. We just got back from a long vacation and this is the first time, I have not suffered with it.
So, thank you so much for your blessings and love.
Judy Molnar, Fountain Valley, CA
"Miriam Maron is a healer's healer. I have sought healing from many experts in various fields for issues incurred in my childhood, but I have never experienced such profound emotional and spiritual healing as I have received from Miriam. Her sessions are marked by her gentle strength, compassion, humility, insight, and an unwavering commitment to her client's wellbeing. My heart was full for a long time afterwards, and the experience is difficult to put into words."
Paula Bojsen
Reiki Master Teacher
Gendai Reiki Shihan
Shamanic Practitioner
“Rabbi Miriam Maron is that extraordinary combination of clinician, mystic, musician, and shaman whose talent at integrating those skills will launch you on a dramatic healing journey; I love working with her.”
-- Carl Hammerschlag, MD
(Author of The Dancing Healers, The Theft of the Spirit, and Healing Ceremonies)
“She is a great priestess whose chants and teachings are truly stunningly beautiful and represent an evolutionary leap in Hebrew mystical consciousness.”
-- Dr. Mariana Caplan, PH.D.
author of Eyes Wide Open: Cultivating Discernment of the Spiritual Path
(Winner of Five National Book Awards)
“Rabbi Miriam, I respect and support your work. At some point in your life, you took that most giant and scary step 'out' of a safe version of yourself and into your 'true self' and, thanks to the universe, have shared that energy with those around you. Yes, it is good to have talents and to share those energies with others...but, you empower those hearts which expose themselves to you. Brava! There is no more sacred a duty than to keep emotionally and spiritually safe the students and clients who seek your guidance. From my observations and experiences, I see you do exactly this. Again, Brava."
-- Dina Leah
Ventura, CA
"Your unique perspective as a Jewish healer addresses spiritual and faith issues not dealt with by standard medical therapy. I had problems with headaches and since our first session years ago, I have never had another headache (this is not an exaggeration).
I can't begin to thank you for our last healing experience. Although I learned a tremendous amount about Kabbalistic tradition and Jewish healing, most importantly was the opportunity to look inside myself. Your thoughtful and gentle manner was a valuable catalyst in guiding my healing experience. You shared an extraordinary amount of valuable information with which I was both unfamiliar and found fascinating. You tied together many aspects of my life, which by looking at it in a different perspective, make perfect sense.
I cannot thank you enough for your spiritual guidance and Jewish insights
into the healing process."
-- S.G.,
Family Physician
“The journey of healing pain and suffering requires two people, the client (traveler) and the healer (guide). The traveler needs the guide to facilitate the journey towards a state of robust health. The experienced guide helps the client negotiate all aspects of the healing journey, most importantly the insurmountable hurdles and obstacles that often block the process. Rabbi Miriam Maron is an incomparable healer who embodies the capacities, skills, and knowledge requisite of a shamanic master. Her humor, insight, and singing will soothe all your heartaches away. I urge you to allow Rabbi Miriam to be your shamanic guide, facilitating your journey toward a more wholesome and truthful Self.”
-- Avram Rubin, M.A., Ph.D.
Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Anthropologist
Fellow, American Psychotherapy Association
Fellow, American Association of Experts in Trauma
Diplomate, American Board of Sexology
Diplomate, American Counseling Association
"One healing session with Miriam took me deep, deep, deep into the heart of what's troubled me all my life. I came wanting to know what secrets my body was hiding from me, and, after an incredible journey into my mother's past life, now I know! I feel like I've recovered a huge piece of my soul and now understand in a way I never did before, what it really means to ‘choose life’. Miriam is incredibly gentle, wise, and intuitive, and her healing sessions are a true team effort."
-- JGK, Maryland
"Sessions with Miriam, both in person and by distance, have been invaluable to me. The sense of wellness and wholeness I have been feeling, even weeks and months after her sessions, has brought me great peace."
-- Betty Jampel, MSW
Maplewood, NJ
“I have had about 10 healing sessions with Miriam, most of which were for 1.5 or 2 hours. Each one has been powerful in its own right. I have experienced physical healings, emotional healings, spiritual healings, and spiritual growth. I entered each session with specific conscious needs and desires which are addressed. Additionally, the healing sessions worked more importantly on other significant soul-level needs, for which I am extremely grateful. Some of the most powerful sessions have been cooperative healings, where I actually am moved to be actively involved. As a healer myself (massage therapist), Miriam's healings have resulted in greatly enhancing my own healing capabilities.”
-- Chana bat Malka/Karen J. P. Binney, MBA, CMT, LLCC, Charlottesville, VA
“I am not one who is attracted to things such as astrological readings, but after it was recommended by several of my fellow Jewish Shamanism students I decided to give it a try. I was surprised to find that the sessions were about my personality, strengths, weaknesses, and my life's path -- i.e. it was not the type of reading that attempts to tell the future. The things she told me about myself were exactly correct, and were things that she could not have known. It confirmed that I am on the path that I should be following, which was a great comfort to me. ”
Paula Bojsen
Reiki Master Teacher
Gendai Reiki Shihan
Shamanic Practitioner
“I must admit that I was initially somewhat skeptical going into my work with Rabbi Miriam Maron. As a western-trained physician, albeit one open to alternative healing modalities and fully ensconced on my Jewish spiritual path, I still had lingering doubts of the healing value of Hebrew astrologic readings, movement, and chant. Perhaps it comes from being a native of the show me state of Missouri, where only seeing meant believing.
My work with Miriam included several teaching sessions, workshops, a Hebrew astrology moon reading, and a shamanic journey experience. That Rabbi Miriam combines the left and right side of her own Tree of Life in her healing work became immediately obvious to me, as it would to anyone who has experienced her gentle and knowing ways. Her commitment to thoroughly researching the background material related to my Hebrew astrology reading, and the reading itself, felt purposeful and acknowledging, and uncannily congruent with my individual circumstances. It did not take me long to realize that this was not just some generic newspaper horoscope, but a deep delving into the mysteries of the Hebrew tradition as they relate to the particular time and purpose of my Soul's arrival on this Earth-walk.
Rabbi Miriam's use of ancient teachings, song, chant, movement and imagery gently opens the gates to access the soul, allowing healing shifts within the realms of psyche and spirit, which can help to bring forth a more fully-realized Self. I am grateful to Rabbi Miriam for the work we did together, and look forward to more growth and healing work in the future.”
Associate Professor, Clinical Pediatrics
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Director, Pediatric Endocrinology
LA County USC Medical Center
“I had a couple of readings from Miriam in late 1996. I have reread them several times over the years and they still hold true. While my personal situations have been different each time I read them, the guidance provided in the readings is still applicable as they pertain to the inner self and spirit, and how to deal with/react to any situation. I know I will be able to benefit from these readings for the rest of my life.”
-- Chana bat Malka/Karen J. P. Binney, MBA, CMT, LLCC, Charlottesville, VA
“Miriam Maron’s healing gifts have profoundly transformed my mind, body, and spirit! I have received healing of chronic immune system dysfunction and, more importantly, continued restoration of my soul. My experience with Miriam is that the healing intention of her chant, spoken word, and touch is infused with the wisdom of the Divine Mystery flowing through her. What I receive unfolds over time – after weeks and months – opening still wider and deeper my own healing process. She, too, engages me in my own healing – encouraging and guiding me with love and compassion, and most importantly – laughter and joy. My heart says that this woman is authentic – that she will be regarded years from now as one of the most important women healers and teachers of Kabbalah of our times. She has brought blessings and peace to the lives of many.”
-- Susan Gaustad
Red Wing, MN
“Miriam is an inspirational and gifted healer whose intuitive skills and soulful voice reconnected me to my dreams and strength. Her presence is a soothing gift I enjoy revisiting time after time.”
Leesa Sklover-Filgate, Ph.D., Music Therapist
Sandy Hook, CT
“As a teacher and healer, Miriam is more than just a lantern in the darkness. She is the ferryman who carries you across the waters to new and distant shores.”
Nessa Lear, BSN
New Rochelle, NY
“Miriam Maron is a compassionate and richly skilled healer who brings the fullness of her presence to her work. She combines hands-on healing, guided visualization, prayer and sacred connection to open the flow of reintegration of body and soul. When I was facing major losses and an undiagnosed illness, Miriam helped me recover a deep sense of purpose which guides and sustains me. When I reflect on what Miriam offered me, the words ‘respect’, ‘caring’, ‘resourceful’, ‘courageous’ and ‘uniquely engaged’ come to mind."
Amy Horowitz, MSW
Florence, MA

Miriam Available to Teach Workshops/Retreats
Miriam Maron is available to teach workshops, seminars, and retreats on Jewish shamanic healing and other themes of ancient Jewish mysticism. She has been teaching for over a decade around the USA, Europe, Canada, and Israel, leading educational tours of Israel as well as performing concerts, life-cycle ceremonies, private spiritual counseling and mentoring.
Miriam Maron is available to teach workshops, seminars, and retreats on Jewish shamanic healing and other themes of ancient Jewish mysticism. She has been teaching for over a decade around the USA, Europe, Canada, and Israel, leading educational tours of Israel as well as performing concerts, life-cycle ceremonies, private spiritual counseling and mentoring.

Her teaching venues incorporate ancient and early-medieval Jewish mystery wisdom filtered through source texts, guided imagery, body, mind and spirit integration work, shamanic journeying, sacred chant, and entrancing movement. She has taught at Kripalu, Esalen Institute, Naropa University, SEED Open University, Whole Expo, Chochmat HaLev Center for Jewish Meditation, Elat Chayyim Jewish Spiritual Retreat Center, Limmud (UK), as well as for numerous other Jewish and non-denominational communities, conferences, and educational institutions.
To invite Miriam to teach in your community, contact her at [email protected] or call 909-575-8820.
"This is the class that renewed my belief that there was much more to the Jewish spiritual life than I was experiencing. Shamanism is said to be found in all ancient "primitive" and tribal societies. After taking healing courses in Advanced Core Shamanism, I was interested in discovering how to do this practice Jewishly. Judaism, being ancient, "primitive," and tribal should have this practice. However, nobody had ever heard of a Jewish shaman. Enter Gershon Winkler and Miriam Maron. With humor, wit, and expert knowledge of the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic texts, Gershon and Miriam are recovering dimensions of Judaic practice that have been in hiding for far too long. Song, movement, chants, and teachings are all deeply rooted in Torah and Kabbalah and have transformed my understanding, my personal practice, and my healing practice. This information is part of your birthright. I encourage you to pursue it with Gershon and Miriam."
Paula Bojsen
Reiki Master Teacher
Gendai Reiki Shihan
Shamanic Practitioner
“Transmitting the complexity of the Jewish shamanic healing tradition requires teachers who are exceptionally grounded in the tradition and themselves as individuals. They must intellectually and emotionally engage with the material and their students. Rabbis Gershon Winkler and Miriam Maron provide a safe, welcoming learning community in their program, allowing any student the ability to connect and integrate this ancient healing system from a variety of perspectives. The program, along with Miriam and Gershon’s warmth, humor and wisdom, is unparalleled, and I highly recommend it.”
-- Avram Rubin, M.A., Ph.D.
Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Anthropologist
Fellow, American Psychotherapy Association
Fellow, American Association of Experts in Trauma
Diplomate, American Board of Sexology
Diplomate, American Counseling Association
"The first session of the Jewish shamanic healing training was inspiring, affirming, fun, educational and filled with love for the earth, elohai, and community. The high I felt from that time in CA carried me for weeks and is still there, bubbling beneath the surface, providing solace and motivation to me. Miriam & Gershon are true glittering gems, generous of spirit, gifted teachers and healers and extremely knowledgeable - the real deal! I can't wait for the next training session!"
--- Sha'ari Garfinkel, MSW, LCSW (NC), LICSW (WA), MT-BC, FAMI , Seattle, WA
Sound Healer, Musician, Clinical Social Worker, Music Therapist
“Having greatly enjoyed studying (in person with Miriam, through astrological readings) and davening with Miriam and Gershon over many years, I had long wanted to delve deeply into the shamanic teachings and practices of Judaism with them. My anticipation was surpassed, as I gathered for a week with an open, sincere, like-minded community of Jews in the beautiful setting of Brandeis Bardin. I felt completely nourished on all levels by both the teachings, which were then integrated into shamanic practices through chanting, song, movement, ceremony, healing ritual, etc., and the interactions with my fellow participants and our teachers. Healing of personal issues was integrated into the teaching and I was able to take away information and practices that I could immediately incorporate into the healing circles that I lead. It was a blessing to leave knowing that this holy community would continue to meet over the next 2 years for these Jewish Shamanic Healing Retreats.
-- AriellaShira, Covina, CA
"Miriam and Gershon are extraordinary teachers. Their wealth of knowledge and general wisdom about all things Jewish, mystical and magical, outweigh all the teachings in my yeshiva and post-yeshiva life. The training is teaching me what it truly means to be a Jew and a Jewish healer in the realm of my work as a psychotherapist."
-- Betty Jampel, MSW, Maplewood, NJ
“In the Jewish Shamanic Healing (JSH) program you will be introduced to the healing powers of all that is around us as well as the use of rituals and techniques from the perspective of Jewish oral and written traditions. The information is presented in such a way that it affects not only your intellect and emotions, but more importantly your spirit. Over the course of JSH, I experienced enormous spiritual growth, including how it impacts my massage practice and my healing capabilities. JSH is so important to my life that I am repeating it: to learn/experience more, and to truly integrate it all within my entire being. Thus, I will be enhancing the healings I channel (All healings come from G!d; I am only the instrument.), and I can see a shift occurring in the direction these healings will take.”
-- Chana bat Malka/Karen J. P. Binney, MBA, CMT, LLCC, Charlottesville, VA
“One week into the four-week Jewish Shamanic Healing program, and I can't wait for more. I am already integrating what I've learned from Rabbis Gershon and Miriam into my healing practice and am noticing a huge difference. I feel more creative and more connected than ever to my clients and to the Ultimate Source of healing. Miriam and Gershon are a total joy to learn from, and work their magic on every level--musical, intellectual, physical, and spiritual. I never knew that stories could have such healing power. My clients, my loved one, and I are all reaping the benefits of my learning, big time.”
-- Janet King, Laurel, MD
“Miriam and Gershon share their immense spiritual knowledge with great humor, grace and creativity. The chants and movements I have learned from Miriam have allowed me to integrate her teachings within every cell of my being. Their work is truly extraordinary. It has touched my soul at a very deep level and has profoundly transformed my life.”
-- Florence DuPont, New York, NY
“The work that I did with Miriam through the Jewish Shamanic Healing Training Program has been deeply transformative for me. I came away from each personal healing session with her with a renewed sense of connection between my ‘Rosh’ (head) and my ‘Shoresh’ (root). Images and sensations experienced in those sessions have remained with me and I continue to draw from their wisdom. Miriam is a role model for me as a healer and an educator. Her work brings into embodiment our ancient teachings. She has an incredible gift for finding the essence of our holy Hebrew phrases, translating them into movement and music that contributes to healing. Every time I came to the trainings, I eagerly anticipated the many new gifts of music and movement that I knew I'd receive. Miriam’s tremendous generosity of spirit as she does this work has profoundly influenced my own practice as a healer as I sing her tunes and teach her dances to others, spreading this love and light that I have received, out into the larger community. She has deeply touched me and I am proud to have her as my teacher.”
Shoshana Simons, Ph.D.
Roslindale, MA
"My work with Miriam have enabled me to go deeper within myself and therefore has catapulted me into a new realm within my own healing practice. I have also had several healing sessions with her and they have allowed me to go to a much deeper place within myself where I was able to make some necessary internal shifts. I feel incredibly blessed to be able to study with such a learned, beautiful teacher."
Jodee Chizever
Flemington, NJ
To invite Miriam to teach in your community, contact her at [email protected] or call 909-575-8820.
"This is the class that renewed my belief that there was much more to the Jewish spiritual life than I was experiencing. Shamanism is said to be found in all ancient "primitive" and tribal societies. After taking healing courses in Advanced Core Shamanism, I was interested in discovering how to do this practice Jewishly. Judaism, being ancient, "primitive," and tribal should have this practice. However, nobody had ever heard of a Jewish shaman. Enter Gershon Winkler and Miriam Maron. With humor, wit, and expert knowledge of the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic texts, Gershon and Miriam are recovering dimensions of Judaic practice that have been in hiding for far too long. Song, movement, chants, and teachings are all deeply rooted in Torah and Kabbalah and have transformed my understanding, my personal practice, and my healing practice. This information is part of your birthright. I encourage you to pursue it with Gershon and Miriam."
Paula Bojsen
Reiki Master Teacher
Gendai Reiki Shihan
Shamanic Practitioner
“Transmitting the complexity of the Jewish shamanic healing tradition requires teachers who are exceptionally grounded in the tradition and themselves as individuals. They must intellectually and emotionally engage with the material and their students. Rabbis Gershon Winkler and Miriam Maron provide a safe, welcoming learning community in their program, allowing any student the ability to connect and integrate this ancient healing system from a variety of perspectives. The program, along with Miriam and Gershon’s warmth, humor and wisdom, is unparalleled, and I highly recommend it.”
-- Avram Rubin, M.A., Ph.D.
Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Anthropologist
Fellow, American Psychotherapy Association
Fellow, American Association of Experts in Trauma
Diplomate, American Board of Sexology
Diplomate, American Counseling Association
"The first session of the Jewish shamanic healing training was inspiring, affirming, fun, educational and filled with love for the earth, elohai, and community. The high I felt from that time in CA carried me for weeks and is still there, bubbling beneath the surface, providing solace and motivation to me. Miriam & Gershon are true glittering gems, generous of spirit, gifted teachers and healers and extremely knowledgeable - the real deal! I can't wait for the next training session!"
--- Sha'ari Garfinkel, MSW, LCSW (NC), LICSW (WA), MT-BC, FAMI , Seattle, WA
Sound Healer, Musician, Clinical Social Worker, Music Therapist
“Having greatly enjoyed studying (in person with Miriam, through astrological readings) and davening with Miriam and Gershon over many years, I had long wanted to delve deeply into the shamanic teachings and practices of Judaism with them. My anticipation was surpassed, as I gathered for a week with an open, sincere, like-minded community of Jews in the beautiful setting of Brandeis Bardin. I felt completely nourished on all levels by both the teachings, which were then integrated into shamanic practices through chanting, song, movement, ceremony, healing ritual, etc., and the interactions with my fellow participants and our teachers. Healing of personal issues was integrated into the teaching and I was able to take away information and practices that I could immediately incorporate into the healing circles that I lead. It was a blessing to leave knowing that this holy community would continue to meet over the next 2 years for these Jewish Shamanic Healing Retreats.
-- AriellaShira, Covina, CA
"Miriam and Gershon are extraordinary teachers. Their wealth of knowledge and general wisdom about all things Jewish, mystical and magical, outweigh all the teachings in my yeshiva and post-yeshiva life. The training is teaching me what it truly means to be a Jew and a Jewish healer in the realm of my work as a psychotherapist."
-- Betty Jampel, MSW, Maplewood, NJ
“In the Jewish Shamanic Healing (JSH) program you will be introduced to the healing powers of all that is around us as well as the use of rituals and techniques from the perspective of Jewish oral and written traditions. The information is presented in such a way that it affects not only your intellect and emotions, but more importantly your spirit. Over the course of JSH, I experienced enormous spiritual growth, including how it impacts my massage practice and my healing capabilities. JSH is so important to my life that I am repeating it: to learn/experience more, and to truly integrate it all within my entire being. Thus, I will be enhancing the healings I channel (All healings come from G!d; I am only the instrument.), and I can see a shift occurring in the direction these healings will take.”
-- Chana bat Malka/Karen J. P. Binney, MBA, CMT, LLCC, Charlottesville, VA
“One week into the four-week Jewish Shamanic Healing program, and I can't wait for more. I am already integrating what I've learned from Rabbis Gershon and Miriam into my healing practice and am noticing a huge difference. I feel more creative and more connected than ever to my clients and to the Ultimate Source of healing. Miriam and Gershon are a total joy to learn from, and work their magic on every level--musical, intellectual, physical, and spiritual. I never knew that stories could have such healing power. My clients, my loved one, and I are all reaping the benefits of my learning, big time.”
-- Janet King, Laurel, MD
“Miriam and Gershon share their immense spiritual knowledge with great humor, grace and creativity. The chants and movements I have learned from Miriam have allowed me to integrate her teachings within every cell of my being. Their work is truly extraordinary. It has touched my soul at a very deep level and has profoundly transformed my life.”
-- Florence DuPont, New York, NY
“The work that I did with Miriam through the Jewish Shamanic Healing Training Program has been deeply transformative for me. I came away from each personal healing session with her with a renewed sense of connection between my ‘Rosh’ (head) and my ‘Shoresh’ (root). Images and sensations experienced in those sessions have remained with me and I continue to draw from their wisdom. Miriam is a role model for me as a healer and an educator. Her work brings into embodiment our ancient teachings. She has an incredible gift for finding the essence of our holy Hebrew phrases, translating them into movement and music that contributes to healing. Every time I came to the trainings, I eagerly anticipated the many new gifts of music and movement that I knew I'd receive. Miriam’s tremendous generosity of spirit as she does this work has profoundly influenced my own practice as a healer as I sing her tunes and teach her dances to others, spreading this love and light that I have received, out into the larger community. She has deeply touched me and I am proud to have her as my teacher.”
Shoshana Simons, Ph.D.
Roslindale, MA
"My work with Miriam have enabled me to go deeper within myself and therefore has catapulted me into a new realm within my own healing practice. I have also had several healing sessions with her and they have allowed me to go to a much deeper place within myself where I was able to make some necessary internal shifts. I feel incredibly blessed to be able to study with such a learned, beautiful teacher."
Jodee Chizever
Flemington, NJ