With the renewal of each Moon cycle, you can now simply glance at this poster and instantly access the basic information related to the meaning and tribal association of that particular month. Based on the book Ancient Moon Wisdom, by Miriam Maron, this very attractive and comprehensive chart features each month along with a description of its corresponding tribe, tribal totem, tribal stone, tribal herb, tribal flag, direction, zodiac, Hebraic letter, and so on. Illustrated and in color, this 11x17 chart will prove to be an easy and helpful reference for readers of Ancient Moon Wisdom to refer to again and again to remind them of details pertinent to the quality of each moon. The Kabbalistic Wheel of Astro Mystery chart is available either in glossy poster format or laminated format. Order both poster and book combined, and save… Glossy: $10 Laminated: $15 Poster plus Book Combo: Add $10 Add $5 for Shipping and Handling; $7 for two or more products. Please make your check payable to: "Ashina" and mail to: POB 7257 Golden, CO 80403 Or via PayPal. Comments are closed.
Rabbi Miriam Ashina Maron, R.N., M.A., PhD.