The Jewish Shamanic Wisdom Series continues What does the idea of “Chosen People” really mean? Why have the Jewish people consistently been loathed, accused and misunderstood since they first appeared on the stage of human history? Why is it that even in our own times 4,000 years later the Jew tops the FBI’s list as the most prevalent target of hate crimes. And why is the Jew still around altogether and thriving while numerous empires that sought their extinction languish behind glass at your local museum? And finally, what is it about the Jew that has rendered them such influential arbiters of both the enrichment and the wedge of civilizational advancement? To truly grasp the mystery wisdom of Judaism one must also grasp the mystique of they who have been its relentless guardians for 4,000 years. Welcome to our next 7-Week Zoominar Journey Thursday evenings 5-6 PM Pacific Daylight Time/USA January 11 through February 22, 2024 Presented by |
October 2024
Rabbi Miriam Ashina Maron, R.N., M.A., PhD.