Drawn from ancient Hebraic sources, the contents of these chants, from prayers and vowels to layers of mantric incantations, yield the gift of empowerment and alignment, helping the listener to restore balance where there is fragmentation and harmony where there is discord. Miriam’s voice and her creative arrangement of these sacred chants will take you on a journey deep within your inner realms, and revitalize your mind, body, and spirit. For an explanation of the chants, please see right text.
Written and chanted by Miriam Maron, R.N., M.A. Engineering, Keyboard, and Drums by Bob Knezevich Approximately 70 minutes running time Due for release on June 16, 2004. You can make the payment using PayPal. $9
1 Cha'yay Ru'chee -- "My Life-Breath is Revived!" This chant is a central part of a 2,800-year-old prayer that reflects the ancients’ understanding of illness and healing as related to the balance of soul and body. In the Hebrew, the word for Soul when she is spiraling the life force within the body, is “ru’ach” or Life-Breath. Healing, in turn, is the restoration of that life force through the revival of the Life-Breath. Cha’yay Ru’chee, declared the ancient Hebrew chieftain Chiz’kiya’hu upon his recovery from a severe illness: “My Life-Breath is Revived.”
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2 "Ah'nee Wa'ho" -- "I and the All" This is a chant that is close to three thousand years old, sung by the ancient Hebrews in the season of Autumn during the seven-day harvest festival of Sukkot. The words literally mean: “I and the All (Creator in all Her manifestations), please support us now!” When we chant: “Ah’nee Waho!” we are also calling God by the name that describes God as immanent, as partners with us in the moment of need. We are calling to the God who simultaneously echoes back to us an affirmation of Ah’nee Waho, as if to say back to us: “Yes, indeed, me and you.”
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3 Nekudot -- Vowels In the Kabbalah, the vowel point represents more than a symbol for pronunciation, it also represents the very beginning of any given moment in time, or of any given action or choice, of creation itself. The chanting of vowels is an ancient Kabbalistic meditation involving sound intended to mimic creation, since in the Hebraic tradition creation happened through the d’var, or resonance, vibration, of Creator. Each of the vowels corresponds to a particular quality of Creator’s presence in Creation, and when pronounced draws that quality deeper into our existential consciousness.
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4 Aru'vey Ro'ziya -- Mystic Convergence Mystic Convergence involves five layers of ancient Hebrew and Aramaic mantras superimposed over, and corresponding in theme with, five layers of Sanskrit mantras. The mantras call forth the energies of (1) the blending of divinity with mortality, (2) the union of the masculine with the feminine, (3) leading to the power to undo life's tangles, (4) enabling one to enter consciousness of the Nothing, (5) which, in turn, opens one to experience the divine presence in one's heart.
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Rabbi Miriam Ashina Maron, R.N., M.A., PhD.